Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Knapp 3.5 Goodner Brothers

KNAPP CASE 3. 5 : GOODNER BROTHERS, INC. 1. Internal control objectives Goodner’s Huntington sales office should have implemented: a. Separation of duties: Sales reps like Woody were given unrestricted access to the accounting system where they could directly enter transactions. Sales reps also had direct access to inventory storage areas, and often delivered customer orders. b. Physical controls: Pad locks served as the security of Goodner’s inventory. There should have been stronger security since the value ranged from $300,000 – $700,000. c.Monitoring: Management should have monitored inventory more often than once a year. Also, â€Å"throwaways† were not adjusted to accounting records until the year-end inventory was taken. 2. Huntington unit’s operations displayed internal control weaknesses. One main weakness was giving sales representatives so much access. Sales reps did not keep proper documentation of sales orders and had direct access to t he accounting system. This gave the internal auditors no way to verify sales amounts. Sales representatives also had direct access to inventory storage units. . The Huntington unit should require all sales reps to fill out proper sales order or credit forms. Sales reps should not have direct access to the accounting system; access should only be given to the bookkeeper. Sales reps should also not be allowed to make personal deliveries for customers. 4. Felix Garcia was partially responsible for Goodner’s inventory loss because he did not properly monitor inventory levels. Al Hunt was also partially responsible for the inventory loss because he dismissed his suspicions that Woody was selling stolen inventory.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


What are the macroeconomic effects of the budget proposal Movements and shifts of the curve 7. Conclusion 9 8. References O 5. 2 . 6. 2 The first part of the assignment discusses the economic principles and criteria for a assessing a good budget proposal for any country. Section 3 discusses macroeconomic objectives of a budget, role of government and how it intervenes, tools available to government and the practical considerations (lags in the effects of fiscal policy) The next part of the assignment the team selected the 2009 South African budget proposal and listed all revenue and expenditure proposal 2.What is a budget proposal Bedpan describes a budget as a â€Å"blueprint† for the nation, expressing the objectives and aspirations for the present and future for by the party in power. Mohr describes the budget is an instrument of the fiscal policy and determines the level and composition of government spending(G) and taxation(T). The Keynesian school of thought proposes tha t fiscal policy to be the most instrumental policy to influence total spending or aggregate demand (AD).He lists the four functions of the budget as: Used to decide priorities Serves to evaluate specific public programmed, reviewing the state's activities annually used to increase economic growth and impact on development A system of accountability and controls over government officials and agencies, setting limits on their activities and safeguarding against corruption Obedient four groups of people involved in the national budget of South Africa and their roles in brief with regard to the budget are listed in the table below: The cabinet Controls the most critical decisions on the allocation of public funds Civil servants Play supporting roles by providing information to politicians responsible for decision making Members of parliamentActs as the defender of the public interest through its constitutional right to question reasons and feasibility Of each aspect Of the budget The pu blic Through organizations like Noose, interest groups, community based organizations and other bodies provide the voice of all members not directly involved in the budget process 3. Assessing government budget proposal 3. 1 Economic principles and criteria of good budgets The first step in determining economic principle and criteria for good budgets involves identifying what the budget proposal should achieve in terms of macroeconomic objectives. Mohr et al lists the following as the main macroeconomic objectives that can be used to judge a good performance of the economy: Economic growth Full employment Price stability Balance of payments (or external stability) Equitable distribution of income Efficiency T.Manuel in delivering his 2009 South African Budget speech , emphasized the following five principles: Protecting the poor Sustaining employment growth and expanding training opportunities Building economic capacity and promoting investment Addressing the barriers to competitive ness that limit an equitable sharing of opportunities And maintaining a sustainable debt level that would not constrain our development tomorrow Mohr recognizes that the free market system allocates resources in the best possible way. However he also acknowledges that at times market failure occurs where the market system does not achieve efficient allocation Of resources.The market systems failures occurs in the following cases: Monopoly and imperfect competition Public goods Externalities Asymmetric information Common property resources Moor's summary of government's role is summarized on the table below: Role Aim Allocation function Correcting market failure and achieving a more efficient allocation of resources Distributive function Achieving more acceptable distribution of income Stabilization Promoting macroeconomic stability 3. 2. 1 How does government intervene The table below shows the five intervention options and examples of each that the government can use to achieve the above roles: Intervention Examples Public provision of goods and services through ownership or financing National Defense, hospitals, Eskimo, prisons Becoming a market participant Through price stability, income redistribution, Government spendingTransfer payments to change income distribution Taxation Personal Income Tax Regulation Labor laws, competition policy, anti-tobacco laws 3. Practical considerations: Lags in the effects of fiscal policy Recognition lags Implementation lags Response lags (603,608) Therefore a good budget takes into cognoscente the macroeconomic objectives, address issues relating to market failures and takes steps address the needs of society and the scarce available resources. A good budget should also take into considerations the effects of lags in typefaces policy. 4. 2009 South African Budget proposal The group selected the 2009 South African Budget proposal. The budget speech was delivered by the Finance minister Mr.. Tremor Manuel on the 1 lath Febru ary 2009.The table below is a list the budget revenue and expenditure proposals: Budget revenue proposals Budget expenditure proposals Taxes on income and profits Source: National Treasury 2009 Budget Review Statistical Table 2 and Table 3 5. Theory on economic principle of equity As stated in the preceding section, tax is one Of the instrumental tool available to government to achieve its roles of allocation and distributive unction's mainly through taxation. The criteria for a good tax proposal is that it must meet the following conditions: Neutrality Equity Administrative simplicity We now focus our attention and evaluate tax relief with reference to the criteria of equity.Case and Fair refers to equity as fairness. Under this principle tax burden is distributed fairly. Two theories of equity or fairness exists. These are : 15, 16, 17 Benefits-received principles Ability-to pay principle 381 Under the benefits-received principle, taxpayers should contribute to overborne in propor tion to the benefits they receive from public expenditures. This theory of fairness does not receive popular support as it is not possible to determine the value that taxpayers receive from public expenditures. The other theory of taxation, ability-to pay principle states that taxpayers should bear tax burdens in line with their ability to pay taxes. 5. 1.Discuss vertical and horizontal equity. 17 In terms of tax revenue collected by government, horizontal equity relates to the concept of tax neutrality. It defines that the tax system should not criminate between similar things or people, or unduly distort behavior . Len other words, the people with a similar ability to pay taxes should pay the same or similar amounts. Vertical equity usually refers to the idea that people with a greater ability to pay taxes should pay more. However, to those that believe in a flat tax, the idea of vertical equity could mean that the rich should not be punished for their success by paying higher tax es than others.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Finding Hope in Dyslexics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Finding Hope in Dyslexics - Essay Example As a reading specialist for dyslexic children, I have been interested in turning dyslexic children into successful students who could not only read accurately but also perform academic tasks with excellent outcomes. I have encountered dyslexic children who were unable to read at first but turned out to be successful lawyers and doctors later on. Based on my experience, I realized that dyslexic children should not be underestimated. Rather, the teacher should be the source of strength and inspiration, the one to give all the encouragement that the child needs in order to progress. Although they have difficulty reading, dyslexic children are in fact smart and talented in other fields besides reading. Swarbick and Marshall provide an account of children with dyslexia who later became famous in their own right. The truth about dyslexic children makes my work as a reading specialist truly significant and the performance of my students always serves as the reward in a day’s work. Th e students I handled lately included five dyslexic children with varying depths of reading difficulty and self-esteem problem. ... This means that dyslexia is often inherited, and is limited to the linguistic area of intelligence. Such definition further suggests that dyslexia is neither a debilitating condition that may worsen each day nor a deadly communicable disease. This definition imparts the hope that dyslexic children will have enough skills to catch up with the reading requirement in mainstream classes, especially when guided with ‘careful and systematic efforts’ (Reid 2011 p. 92). As a reading specialist for dyslexic children, I have been interested in turning dyslexic children into successful students who could not only read accurately but also perform academic tasks with excellent outcomes. I have encountered dyslexic children who were unable to read at first but turned out to be successful lawyers and doctors later on. Based on my experience, I realised that dyslexic children should not be underestimated. Rather, the teacher should be the source of strength and inspiration, the one to g ive all the encouragement that the child needs in order to progress. Although they have difficulty reading, dyslexic children are in fact smart and talented in other fields besides reading. Swarbick and Marshall (2004 p. 275) provide an account of children with dyslexia who later became famous in their own right. The truth about dyslexic children makes my work as a reading specialist truly significant and the performance of my students always serves as the reward in a day’s work. The students I handled lately included five dyslexic children with varying depths of reading difficulty and self esteem problem. The children, namely, Cameron, Charlie, Erika, Hamish, Kate, and Noah are in the 9th grade. Similar to most children with dyslexia, my students

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Timberland Case Study Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Timberland Case Study - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that the CEO of the company recommends the creation of a model that brings an era whereby â€Å"under the model, creating commercial value and social value, commerce and justice were â€Å"inextricably linked†Ã¢â‚¬  (Austin, Leonard, and Quinn, 2004, p. 1). Reading through the case study, it could be noticed that there is the likelihood that there could arise a subsequent problem that has to do with the implementation of the designed model. This problem is projected in the face of having to satisfy the stake of all stakeholders to accepting the innovative business model as the most suitable for the present needs of the company. Identified "stakeholders" The running of any public interest organization such as Timberland can never be complete in the absence of a well regulated and coordinated effort among some key players, commonly referred to as stakeholders (Maremont, 1993). The term ‘stakeholders’ is used to refer to these players because with their roles in the organizations, they could be said to be people who can legitimately claim stakes in the successful running of given organizations. In other words, the roles of each stakeholder are so important that eliminating the functions of one of them could cause the doom of the company involved. A critical review of the case in which Timberland finds itself brings out who the company’s stakeholders are and the roles played in the successful story of the company over the years. Employees, consumers, customers, partners, the community and the investment community all come together to act as stakeholders of Timberland (Austin, Leonard, and Quinn, 2004, p. 11). Employees of the company act as the engine of production, whose tasks include the need to ensure that there is an adequate supply margin to the demand chain on the company (Esposito, 2001). Customers and consumers are the financial lifeline to the company, whose purchases account for the company’s reven ues. Partners and the investing community also play important roles in fueling the company with fiscal resources though they come in as beneficiaries in the long run. The community, on the other hand, is an important stakeholder in the social justice phenomenon; as the community ought to benefit exclusively from the company without any thought of reciprocate in return. Important Target Groups Still on the commerce and justice vision of the company, there are some key target groups that ought to be considered in the rendering of the innovative business model of the company. Apart from the stakeholders who have been mentioned earlier as employees, consumers, customers, partners, the community and the investment community, suppliers and the government are two other important target groups. The justification in considering suppliers as important target group comes from one major factor and that is, Timberland as a company does a lot of outsourcing in the procurement and acquisition of r aw materials for its operations. This, therefore, means that for a lot of times that the company will be in the quest to go into production in order to meet demand from customers and consumers, the company would have to fall on its suppliers (Ducharme, 2002). It is for this reason that the role of suppliers as important target group cannot be underestimated. With government, not much needs to be said to justify its role as an important target

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ragged Dick by Alger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ragged Dick by Alger - Essay Example One day, Mr. Whitney put Frank into Dick’s charge in order to be given a tour of the New York City while he attended business. Frank gave out a new suit to Dick, and he replaced the rags he wore. When Dick took a bath and dressed, he compared himself with Cinderella. During the tour, Frank gets impressed of Dick’s street smartness and quick wit. As a result, he encourages him to go back to school. Throughout the tour, the two shares stories about the rags to riches and commercials and political celebrities. In many occasion, Dick is accused of theft but goes free because of his natural likeability and wit. In the next day, Dick is accused of rising above his station by Mickey Maguire. At the first time, Dick confounds Mickey with wit, but when things turn violent he beats and chases him away. Henry, an orphan young boy, who faced harassment for a long time by Mickey witness the actions. Dick likes Henry and lets him stay in his room after retuning from night lessons of writing, reading and mathematics. Another day, Mr. Grayson, a former customer, invited the two boys for dinner. During their visit, the man’s daughter, Ida was attracted to Dick due to his wit and Likeability. In return to their house, they found that Jim had stolen Dick’s bank book. The clerks had recognized Dick by face due to frequent deposit and Jim was arrested on arrival. The two boys searched for better paying job for a long time without success. One day, as they took a trip on the ferry, a young boy fell into the river. The father promised to reward who will rescue the boy. Dick being an excellent swimmer rescued the boy. The man rewarded Dick with a better job in a wealth industry. Dick was courageous, and he used his qualities to achieve his goals and objectives. He always accepted his situation, and this made him rise from one level to another. He was caring and concerned about other people has he agreed to stay with

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is President Barack Obama a Good President Essay

Is President Barack Obama a Good President - Essay Example In a reflective analysis of the various aspects of the President-ship of the current president of the US, one may undoubtedly argue that Barack Obama is one of the most prominent and effective leaders and presidents in the history of this great nation. First of all, his life story very well reflects the true American story – incorporating the â€Å"values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.† (President Barack Obama). Therefore, the President has been aware of the American story very well which has helped him tremendously to shape his opinions and policies as a president of the people. The vast amount of experience in the public service arena has contributed to the success of Obama as a great leader and president of the nation which is also reflected in the nation’s unwavering belief in his ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. Some of the fundamental points to argue why Barack Obama is good president and effective leader of the nation include his intelligent leadership; he is not war-hungry or money-hungry; the effect of his genial and luminous personality on diplomacy; his civil rights struggles; his awareness of an overall reform of the various political policies of the nation, etc. In consideration of these features of his leadership and many others, one must argue that President Obama is one of the most effective and successful presidents that the people of the United States have ever seen. It is important to remember that, when President Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States, there was a great expectation about his ability to lead the nation from the front to a great period in the history of the nation and he seemed like a different kind of leader in comparison with many of his predecessors. Definitely, he has lived up to those expecta tions which earned him high reputation even in the international scenario. As the BBC Radio 4’s Today program evaluates, President Obama has not just been the first black man in the White House but also ‘a new sort of American president’: thoughtful, reflective and determined to represent all of his country. (Mardell). This remark about the leadership of the president very well reflects the various aspects of the policies of his government. All through his tenure, the President has given great thought and reflective attitude towards the various issues facing the nation, be it economic crisis, employment issues, or matters of international affairs. Most of the Americans considered, and still consider, President Obama as the most important transformational figure of the nation who can lead this great nation to meet the demands of the contemporary world. The former state secretary Colin Powell was right when he endorsed Barack Obama describing him as a ‘transf ormational figure’ who was the right president for this moment in time. In his words, President Obama is the right choice for leading this great nation as he has both style and substance. (Bennis, 2009, p. 223). One of the major factors that contribute to the success of Barack Obama as the transformational president of the nation is his leadership qualities. It is important to recognize that the world’s hunger for effective leadership at the international scenario has been satisfied by the election of this charismatic new leader as the president of the United States on November 4, 2008. Millions of Americans wept with pride in their country and relief on the night of his victory as he had triumphed over old prejudices. â€Å"One result of Barak Obama’s extraordinary election is to remind us of just how thin our leadership bench is.†

Product Liability Claims in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Product Liability Claims in the UK - Essay Example However, such inequities cannot be redressed through the law, since they arise from political and judicial differences that exist in the U.K. and Japan. As compared to Western law systems, especially in the U.K. which is governed by the EU and UK Competition law that prohibits any interference with competition, in Japanese law systems traditional theories still predominate and the only remedy available is to introduce litigation to annul an administrative act, unlike the U.K. where there are five kinds of remedies: mandamus, certiorari, prohibition, injunction and declaration ( a class action case dealing with UK tax treaties with Japan and other countries, the UK Court found bilateral treaty discrimination and reached a similar decision as in Metallgesellschaft/Hoechst v. CIR(European Court of Justice), where the EU treaty prohibits such discrimination to In the case of NEC Semi-Conductors Ltd, et al. v. CIR (November 24, 2003), the UK Court’s conclusions about discrimination were based upon the freedom of establishment principle, under Article 43 of the EU Treaty ( However, as opposed to this case law of U.K. Courts deciding in favor of establishments outside the U.K. being protected from discrimination, recent Japanese decisions on product liability claims reveal an opposite trend. The decision of the Nagoya District Court on 30th June 1995 went against MacDonalds and they were held liable for damages revealing that Japanese courts do not impose a burden of proof in civil proceedings (Nottage, 2000). Â  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Busness Skills for proposals and Pitches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Busness Skills for proposals and Pitches - Essay Example ith rise in the disposable income of the household and individuals around the world, expenses are also mounting and therefore the people with less income are also purchasing the floriculture products to decorate or beautify their homes. Those who run flower shop business in Coventry UK also offer an extensive variety of package from stylish and simple reception arrangements to the corporate clients. They provide an efficient, professional and reliable service to the customers (Gilesflorist, 2015). Floriculture industry is considered as a main global industry in developed as well as developing countries. Worldwide trade volume is approximated to be over $100 billion annually. The main consumer markets are UK, Germany, US, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland (Ravinath, 2007). People from the entire world make use of floriculture products initially for traditions and customs and then for other purpose (Ravinath, 2007). Organisations and businesses also exploit these products for the purpose of decorations. In the Coventry, UK, the major part of potted plants and flowers are sold through Sainsbury, Waitrose and Tesco’s supermarkets (Ravinath, 2007). In the developed countries, there are artists and local florists selling decorations and ornamentals. The price of the flowers generally goes high during the time of special occasions. One of the ways for the business of flower shop to grow is by establishing affiliations with the event organiser where they ca n offer the flowers according to the event and also arrange it as per the choice of the client. This type of affiliation paves a means for the flower shop companies to grow as well as the growth possibility for this type of business is high (Ravinath, 2007). Strengths: The strengths of this new flower business may incorporate the variety of flowers available in the shop. The company will also provide free shipping on its entire orders. These will be regarded as the positive attributes which will

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Macro9C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Macro9C - Essay Example Further, economists use different level for recognizing money (like M0, M1 etc.). And economists define a money multiplier to see the ratio of money supply and the actual monetary base in the economy. Now, the recent financial crisis has affected some parts of the definition of money especially as a store of value. The financial upturn has shown that most assets and asset classes previously believed to be the â€Å"safe† stores of value for money are in fact all driven by risk and can at some point in time not be â€Å"so safe†. For example, houses are one the largest stores of value but the global deterioration of property prices has made this option less valuable. Similarly, government bonds which were considered as the safest bets for store of value were actually no longer safe either as we see the example of Greece and their impending default of payment and/or restructuring of debt in Greece. Bank deposits were badly hit as storage of value with the bank-runs seen i n Northern Rock, UK and several other banks in the US. Currencies by nature of being subject to market demand and supply appreciate and depreciate with time and cannot be considered as safe stores of value either as was seen in the example of Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. Secondly, the money multiplier, m, as explained by economists is supposed to be 1/R where R is the reserve requirement for banks. As seen during the financial crisis, this equation was not valid at all. Figure 1 below shows the variation of money multiplier from 1984 to present. We see that as soon as the financial crisis hit, even though there was little or no change in the reserve requirements, the money multiplier saw a huge drop to end up at less than 1.This means that while the government was creating supply of money, banks were reluctant to lend. Figure 1. M1 Money multiplier in the US – 1984 to March 2011 Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Given the turnout of events as happened dur ing the financial crisis, there seems to be no readily identifiable group of assets that economists would consider as money. To be accepted as money by all, none of the assets satisfy all the criteria – bill of exchange, bonds, equities, deposits. Gold, silver and precious metal come close but as these are rare, and cannot really meet the demand for money, they cannot really be considered as money. Question 2 The structure of Federal reserve system is shown below in figure 1. Figure 1. Structure of Federal reserve system The components of the federal reserve system and their functions are described below: 1. Board of governors: they are appointed by the US president and confirmed by the US senate. The primary responsibility of the Board members is the formulation of monetary policy. The Board sets reserve requirements and shares the responsibility with the Reserve Banks for discount rate policy. 2. Federal Reserve banks: The 12 Federal Reserve banks operate under supervision of the board of governors. Each bank has 9 directors who appoint the bank presidents who form part of the Federal Open Market Comittee. The main role of the reserve banks is to influence the flow of money and credit in the economy. The Federal Reserve Banks hold, in their vaults, collateral for government agencies to secure public funds that are on deposit with private depository institutions. The Federal Rese

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The mutual effect between project quality management and project cost Essay - 1

The mutual effect between project quality management and project cost management - Essay Example Different people will be assigned various roles in the completion of the assignment. Here the president, vice president and secretary to the projected will be selected including board members. The project is divided into three parts that is the quality management part, cost management part and the mutual effect between the two. Each part can take approximately two weeks each thus. An activity schedule will be produced to assign the time and date for each part. Next, a spreadsheet detailing the highlights of the project, audits dates and deadlines must be produced. When all the dates, role allocations meetings schedules and time duration have been set in place, the cost of the completion of the project is to be set. Here each task and materials needed have to be written down together with their estimated cost. The overall budget allocation must be estimated to find out if the funds are available. The cost of the overall project will be around one thousand dollars to complete. Next is the communication plan since the project is now obvious. Communication includes meeting times and project

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Brief History of Economics Essay Example for Free

A Brief History of Economics Essay Through his use of dialectical materialism, Marx not only changed the history of economic thought, but found great illumination for himself regarding the bonds of human society. The concept that seems relatively simple in today’s complex economic world was utterly revolutionary in the time of Marx: people develop their ideas about the world (and thereby, their ideas for how society should be organized and stratified) based on the material aspects of their lives. It was an elegant extension of basic Marxist theory: capitalism, according to Marx, is interested in offering naked materialism as a kind of booby prize to make up for the means of production being taken away from the people. If the people can no longer work for themselves and no longer work at perfecting their own craft as individuals, then, as Marx correctly deduced, people would require something to validate their work. This became the center of capitalism, as Marx understood it: materialism exists as a kind of justification for capitalism, and since materialism has permeated our culture to such an extreme degree, eventually social orders began to revolve around it. Hence, what capitalism serves as the cause of what Marx saw as nothing less than ongoing class warfare. It is interesting to note that Marx believed a violent revolution on the part of the proletariat was not simply a possible method of changing things, but actually served as the only method of changing things. This is because materialism was so embedded into class structures (which, in turn, was so embedded in power structures), and the only way for society to functionally survive was for it to become overturned completely. It is also interesting to note the ongoing effect that Marx has had on philosophic thought: materialism had previously been dislodged by Descartes and the famous declaration â€Å"I think, therefore I am;† as far as most people who pondered these things could conclude, thought preceded matter. However, Marx not only brought materialism to the philosophic forefront—the then-controversial idea that material preceded thought—but illustrated the notion that the abstractions of materialism had been concretized by capitalism into purchasable goods. 2: Marx and the Secret Source of Profit Perhaps the most enduring notion of Marx’s is the so-called secret of the source of profit under a capitalistic society†¦though such is Marx’s legacy of intellectual thought, a great many people simply accept this notion as reality: the source of profit is the surplus value that an employer gains from laborers. After all, the means of production have been taken from the people: skilled artisan cobblers have been replaced by factory line workers churning out shoe after shoe after shoe. The money saved by employing this assembly-line method of industrial production becomes pure profit for the employer. Interestingly, Marx tethered this to his own theories on circulating capital—that is, something that does not last, and is used up in the production of other goods and services, in direct opposition to fixed capital, which is traditionally held for over a year by a business or institution. Marx astutely deduced that the distinction between these concepts is not only relative, but arbitrary: the idea that capital held for 365 days is circulating and that capital held for 366 days is fixed is absurd. However, it allows the proletariat to essentially gloss over their own necessity to the entire institution of capitalism: they are led to believe that society is held up by the fixed capital of major investors and their long-term investments. In reality, society is held aloft by the ongoing purchases of the common man (and woman): their disposable income is burned off to provide them a sense that capitalism is worth it†¦it turn, their disposable income is used to make the rich richer, as the cliche goes, all the way up the capitalist pyramid. In Marx’s view, this is one of many ways that those in power forestall the seemingly unavoidable class war that he advocates: those with power—the purchasing power of the common man—are convinced they have none, and are bought off with trinkets. It is interesting to note that this echoes the master/slave morality inversion of Nietzsche. 3: Marginalists and the Economy In the evolution of economic theory, the impact of marginalism cannot be overstated. Once one had accepted the blunt realities of Marx—specifically, that society was organized based on the perceived value of items—the logical question remained: how does one quantify the value of an item? Marginalism illustrated the diminishing returns on the marginal utility of resold products, which dramatically impacted analysis of capitalist economy, the focus of economic analysis, and theories of value and distribution. Regarding the analysis of capitalist economy, marginalism helped solidify the supply and demand notion of economics as that of mainstream economic thought, as opposed to the labor theory of value espoused by Karl Marx. To put it mildly, this has had ongoing economic effects for the last century and a half. The focus of economic analysis shifted accordingly, as marginalism interacted with price theory: this allowed economics to project demand curves utilizing marginal rates of substitution as a means of determining not only when, but why a seller is willing to relinquish a product for a particular price. Perhaps one of the most lasting effects of marginalism on economic thought has been its effect on theories of value and distribution. With the previous measures in place, economists (as well as common people) now had a more-or-less accurate measure of determining the value of any given product in any given social context. Of course, this also effects the ongoing distribution of certain products to certain demographics in order to maximize profitability. Interestingly, this is one of the chief criticisms of marginalism as well: that it is a vague pseudoscience whose intent is to maintain not only the economic status quo, but the appearance of the status quo. It is no surprise, then, that Marxists continue to grapple with marginalist theory: they see it as a means of keeping the proletariat in check, and preventing any uprisings from them. 4: Thorstein Veblen: Survival of the Fattest Thorstein Veblen, for better or worse, specialized in bringing the human element into economic theory. Specifically, he theorized that the institution of the leisure class was a parasite feeding upon America: upon the backs of workers who are actually productive are a class who seek only profit and produce nothing but waste. He essentially created and popularized the notion of conspicuous consumption as the epitome of this theory: that wealthy individuals spend large amounts of money on ostentatious goods whose sole benefit is to publicly display their wealth to the world. Unfortunately, this has become an integral part of the economy: although an engineer might weep at the man spending over a hundred thousand dollars for a car, the American economy would be crippled if conspicuous consumption vanished overnight. Hence, the parasite metaphor: conspicuous consumption and naked profit helps the wealthy to bloat themselves on the backs of the poor until the entire enterprise inevitably crumbles under its own weight. Veblen perceived quite clearly that human notions about the world are social constructs created by individuals, and as time went on, those notions would change, necessitating a change in economic thought as well. He makes frequent comparisons to evolution to further this end: idle curiosity spurs innovation, innovation spurs conflict between the old guard and the innovators, and an economic Darwinism is born. The advent of industry and technological revolutions merely expanded his original point: the parasitic relationship continued unabated, as the innovations of the productive engineer class were inevitably utilized as means of conspicuous consumption and waste on the part of the leisure class. Planes are developed as a result of idle curiosity, for instance, but it is the leisure class that necessitates the invention of first class as a way of displaying their own status in the social hierarchy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A History of Art Movements and Styles

A History of Art Movements and Styles Neoclassism was an art and style developed during the late 1700s in the French revolution. It has various visual characteristics: It is solidly modeled using strong direct lights and darks to show form, the compositions are rational in that they are balanced and orderly, presence of strong acidic colors, there are no marks left by the artist since brush strokes are carefully controlled to hide individual strokes and it stresses virtues of classical civilizations of the Greeks and Romans such as discipline, athleticism, education, and moral principles, honesty and charity. Angular and sculptural shapes are normally assigned to males while soft and curvilinear forms depict women. Neoclassical themes are normally centered on classical stories heroic acts and virtues carried out by males who are depicted as gallant and stoic. Felinity in women, on the other hand, is depicted and confined to the domestic and private realm. Neoclassicism is therefore depicted as masculine whereby the male body depicts topical issues on politics, society and sexual attributes. The Neoclassic painting of the famous violinist Paganini by Ingres shows this form perfectly. Romanticism was an art style during the mid 1800s that was a resultant of the revolt against Neoclassicism. The major characteristics of Romanticism are: It attempts to display ideal beauty through dramatic scenes, individual marks of the artist can be viewed, it is a form of art that is based on feelings basically of love rather than thoughts hence gets the viewer to experience strong emotions and it is based on an exotic subject matter. In its theme, it is normally based on atmospheric landscapes with a nostalgic depiction of the past especially the Gothic with a bias towards the primitive such as traditional folk culture, cult of individual heroic figures who are often revolutionaries in art or politics, mysticism, the cult of sensibility that emphasizes on women and children, passion for romance and a fascination with death. The romantic painting of Paganini by Turner attempts to show the feeling of his music through the emotional qualities of the man and physical traits of the c omposer. Impressionism is an art movement or style that started in the mid 1800s in France. There are various characteristics of Impressionism such as: Asymmetrical balance whereby the plunging perspective, cropped forms and art work compositions are balanced asymmetrically; use of pure color whereby pure, prismatic colors fresh from the new tin tubes unmixed on the palette are laid directly on the canvas; use of Impasto or thick paint applied in thick raised strokes to create a roughened uneven texture; use of a high horizon line in order to create a plunging perspective; use of colored shadows and the use of broken color and broken brushstrokes. The theme expresses perceptions of nature by covering rural landscapes, maritime landscapes, pastoral landscapes, bucolic visions of nature and aquatic art. Neo-Impressionist paintings have gone further to entail urban scenes and joyous modern life in working class scenes. One of the famous pieces of art was Girl with a Hoop done by Pierre-Auguste R enoir in 1885. Surrealism is a form of art and a cultural movement that started in the 1920s which drew elements from both Cubism and Expressionism. Over the years, the members have produced great works in visual artworks and writings. There are various characteristics of this style which entail a blend of the depictive, the abstract, and the psychological. Some devices applied are levitation, changing of scale in an object, transparency and use of repetition in creating a typical art form. The juxtaposition of objects that would otherwise not be grouped together is also used in order to convey a certain message or show a metaphor. Most artworks have simple titles that simply state the subject matter for easy comprehensibility. The major theme is the ability of love to overcome reason which has been widely depicted by the French surrealist Desnoss in Deuil pour Deuil whereby the narrator is in a ruined desert city close to a river yet he insists on us. This illustrates a blind quest for love. Other themes covered are sexuality as depicted by Metamorphosis of Narcissus painted in 1937; artistic intention, chance and fatalism; relation between dream and reality and taboos. The basics of cubism can be seen in another art movement such as pointillism and fauvism. Cubism is the art form entailing creation of abstract shapes in three dimension on a two dimensional surface. Artists such as Pablo Picasso have popularized this art form. The artists attempt to show several views on multiple planes of a particular subject is the most distinguishable feature. Cubist art forms are also shallow in depth and perception. It preserves a warped two-dimensional look via a presentation of subjects that are broken up along geometric planes. Analytic Cubist art applies monochromatic color scheme while synthetic cubism adopts multiple color schemes. The most popular theme is still life as depicted by the Still Life with Open Window painting by Rue Ravignan in 1915. This is a work of art that depicts inanimate subject content, commonplace objects such as flowers and manmade objects such as jewellery. Religious and allegorical symbolism is attached to the art. Futurism is an art form that emerged in Italy under the Italian poet, Filippo Marinetti . There are various essential characteristics of futurism such as it includes irregular, agitated lines communicating the movements energy and images being displayed as if in perpetual motion. Futurism is based on a theme of violence, war, anarchy, technology and speed based on an urban background which is conveyed through the artworks energy. Paintings and sculptures glorify life and the changes in technology that transforms objects. Carrà  s Funeral of the Anarchist Galli displays police attacks and the riot aftermath in 1904 Italy. Broken panes and diagonals rendered energetically distinguish this art form. Post-Impressionism is a resultant art form as a widely felt reaction against impressionism. These paintings apply the bright Impressionist palette but create art in a formalized order and structure. Paint application technique applied enables the viewer to see the image from multiple angles. In the art work, one can easily see brushstrokes, the style used and the personal experience of the painter over fidelity, multiple viewing angles and the personal expressiveness of the painter. Paintings are based on realistic scenes of modern life which are displayed by visual effects rather than inclusion of details. This is particularly the case in Alfred Sisleys 1872 painting Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne. Realism is an art form that aims at faithfully representing reality and various aspects of actualities in life. It mainly represents the middle class without any prejudice, romance or idealism. It is characterized by a representation of reality in comprehensive detail with characters being of more importance than the action or plot. There is a complex relationship between characters, nature, social class and their past. The diction applied in the compositions is natural but poetic. This art form deals with ethical issues and choices in its themes. The socio-economic class conflict is addressed in these compositions as a major theme. The widening gaps between rich and poor are depicted by the characters used. Charles Dickens work on David Copperfield, the suffering of impoverished children who have to work in industries illustrates realism explicitly.

An Overview Of Critical Legal Studies

An Overview Of Critical Legal Studies The given quotation in question is by Robert Gordon, in Law Ideology as featured in Lloyds Introduction to Jurisprudence by MDA Freeman where he has touched upon critical legal studies. For our purposes, my answer will provide a short explanation of what the critical legal studies is about, then it will feature how law maintains inequality according to critical legal scholars, and what techniques are adopted in response to the inequalities and finally how effective these techniques are. Critical legal studies (hereinafter referred to as the CLS) grew out of a dissatisfaction with current legal scholarship.  [2]  As Raymond Wacks  [3]  put it the most important feature of CLS is its rejection of what is taken to be the natural order of things, be it free market or meta-narratives, or the conception of race. Law based on reason is what attract the scholars of CLS the most. For the scholars of CLS it is to doubt the prospect of uncovering a universal foundation of law based on reason. The myth of determinacy is a significant element of the critical assault on law.  [4]  To the scholars of CLS, law is far from being a determinate, coherent body of rules and doctrine, the law is portrayed as uncertain, ambiguous and unstable.  [5]   If American legal realism was jazz jurisprudence, Critical Legal Studies may be its rock successor.  [6]  Ronald Dworkin found the CLS resembling the older movement of American realism, and for him it was too early to decide whether the CLS is more than an anachronistic attempt to make the then dated movement reflower.  [7]  Professor Hilaire McCourbey and Dr. Nigel D. White  [8]  finds the ultimate target for scholars of CLS is to destroy the notion that there is one single truth, and that by disclosing the all-pervasive power structures and hierarchies in the law and legal system, a multitude of other possibilities will be revealed which are all equally valid. LAW, ITS INEQUALITY AND OTHER ISSUES SURROUNDING LAW The scholars of CLS find it very disturbing how the law maintain inequalities in society. According to the scholars of CLS, legal doctrine is limited and imperfect. Legal doctrines can only offer a narrow view of the world. Robert Gordon finds the legal doctrine to comprise of abstract and impoverished categories. These crude, artificial categories e.g., found in criminal law, laws of contract and family, which will illustrated below, are based on complex human relationships although they in no way reflect or naturally represent with what is occurring. With regard to criminal law, M Kelmen  [9]  uses the example of a wife who, having been battered by her husband, kills the husband. Then she pleads the defence of provocation. Question arises whether the judge is to adopt a narrow time frame  [10]  or that of a broad one  [11]  . No one can say it for sure which law is to be applied here for certain. There may be circumstance where the alleged offender is considered in a narrow time frame basis and another in a broad one. This line of approach is making individuals fall into the contradiction in law faced in criminal law. The law of contract where the principle enshrined in the maxim caveat emptor a maxim devised to protect capitalist interest against the interests of the powerless consumer stands against the principle that it is the function of the state to intervene to protect the weaker party against exploitation is a clear reflection of inequality in law.  [12]  This kind of contradiction in law has always put the judges in confusion as to which principle a judge needs to follow in a given case. It is argued by the scholars of CLS that law is fundamentally political. For D. Kennedy  [13]  there is no line between private and public law. It is a myth.  [14]  There is nothing natural or neutral about contract law as much as administrative law, property law as much as environmental law.  [15]   The law of co-habitation opens range of options to a judge which makes it hardly possible to come to a decision which ultimately causes conflicting outcomes from the courts of law. Where a woman who seeks to enforce a co-habitation agreement against a male partner the question that comes before the court is to choose between (1) common law principle that such agreements are not legally enforceable because of the presumption that such agreements lack the necessary element of an intention to create legal relations and (2) the principle, arising from public policy that it is the duty of the courts to give effect to the intention of the parties. This has always put judges in a difficult position as said earlier. For Peter Gabel,  [16]  one is never, or almost never, a person; instead, one is successively a husband, a bus passenger, a small businessman, a consumer and so on, in contemporary capitalist society. To Mark Kelman,  [17]  liberalism in the eyes of Crits is a system of thought that is simultaneously beset by internal contradiction and by systematic repression of the presence of these contradictions. Liberalism focuses upon individualism and self-interest at the cost of others. The scholars of CLS are against such notion. Such preference is evinced in the laws creation and maintenance of division between the public and private matters. Mills liberty is the perfect example. Mills liberty is the principle that an individual can be compelled where his actions harm others, but must be free where his actions affect himself. The courts always find it difficult to prevent oppression in the private realm because of the legal division between public matters, in which the state or its laws can intervene, and private matters, in which they cannot. The Crits of CLS termed this division as false and a mere illusion. Robert Gordon very clearly mentions that for the Crits, law is inherently neither a ruling-class game plan nor a repository of noble with perverted principles. To Gordon, it is a plastic medium of discourse that subtly conditions how we experience social life.  [18]   Robert Gordon refers to some basic points that the Critics want to make about legal discourse. He refers to discourses of power. Law cannot be a toy for the powerful to play with. However, in reality to avail legal services or matters in conjunction to it one has to be able to wield legal discourses with facility and authority or to pay others, such as lawyers, legislators, lobbyists, etc., to wield them on your behalf is what matters and that is what is takes to posses power in society. For this reason legal discourses tend to reflect the interests and the perspectives of the powerful people who make most use of them.  [19]  This may be regarded as another example of how law maintains inequality in the eyes of the scholars of CLS. However, whether actually being used by the powerful or the powerless, legal discourses are saturated with other non-legal discourses that for the most part rationalise and justify in subtle ways the existing social order as natural necessary and just.   [20]   It is a common phenomenon to make laws to spur economic competitions and thus assisting the elite class in their search for power and wealth. Duncan Kennedy  [21]  mentions that the primary targets in Legal Education are the unhealthy hierarchies at various levels like those existing between lecturers and the students they teach; those between the faculty members and the administrative support and he terms them all as false and unnecessary hierarchy which gets into the mind of law students and thus creates a continual chain of hierarchies. TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO LEGAL DISCOURSES Trashing or Debunking As McCourbey and White put it trashing is mainly aimed at revealing the illegitimate hierarchies that exist within the law and society in general.  [22]  The scholars of CLS are essentially engaged in revealing those hierarchies and undermine them. In Marxism the hierarchy of power exist in terms of classes but he we have seen the hierarchy to exist even in universities where there is a power relationship between lecturer and student.  [23]  It is much more complex than the marxists view.  [24]  Trashing involves seeking to question and challenge the mainstream liberal legal regime. Mark Kelmans scepticism towards mainstream or orthodox views of law led to defend trashing against mainstream academic critics and stated that the discrediting of accepted legal argument is good. The following extract from Kelman explains the purpose of trashing or debunking:  [25]   We are also engaged in an active, transformative anarcho-syndicalist political project At the workplace level, debunking is one part of an explicit effort to level, to reintegrate the communities we live in along explicitly egalitarian lines rather than along the rationalised hierarchical lines that currently integrate them. We are saying: Heres what your teacher did (at you, to you) in contracts or torts. Heres what it was really about. Stripped of the mumbo-jumbo, heres a set of problems we all face, as equals in dealing with work, with politics, and with the world.  [26]   The above quotation reveals the tension of exposing hierarchies at work place, specifically it goes on to mention within the law school and expressly between the teachers and students as discussed earlier. Kelman further mentions that one main objective of trashing is to de-stabilising view of the theoretical world that is trapped in liberal legalism. Trashing helps us to see the underlying complacencies and assumed premises in liberal legalism as imperfect and opposes the belief that the world is running smoothly. Robert Gordon, in his Law Ideology, states that trashing techniques are used sometimes simply to attack the discourses on their own terms to show their premises to be contradictory or incoherent and their conclusions to be arbitrary or based on dubious assumptions or hidden rhetorical tricks.  [27]  He claims that this would reveal the hidden truth of obscure realities. Dereification Dereification is aimed at exposing what the scholars of CLS see as one of the most important functions of law in a liberal society.  [28]  Mostly everyone is in a trapped situation that is to say an implicit hierarchy is established in society. The term employee is attached to people who agree to work for another in return for payment and the term employer is used to refer to the person or body who hires them. The use of employer and/or employee is attached with a range of consequences and expectations for both parties. For this reason the parties are led to behave in a particular way that is to say on the basis of their formalised relation under the heads of employer and employee. In this sense reification has occurred. Peter Gabel has characterised law by reification, which involves a gradual process whereby abstractions, originally tied to concrete situations, are then themselves used and operated instead of the concrete. Dereification involves the scholars of CLS to see it th e other way round. Dereification is basically the recognition and exposure of such fallacies to reveal the law as it really is. Delegitimation To delegitimate law the scholars of the CLS attempt to strip away the veneer of legitimacy to reveal the ideological underpinnings of the legal system.  [29]  McCourbey and White states that delegitimation is aimed at exposing what the scholars see as one of the most important functions of law in a liberal society, namely the legitimation of the socio-economic system of that society. This brings the important insights into the law. Genealogy Robert Gordon considers genealogy as another technique to highlight the awareness of the transitory, problematic and manipulable ways legal discourses divide the world which is by writing their history.  [30]   CONCLUSION CLS is considered as radical by many jurists today. It is submitted that CLS and its technique is to filter the process of thinking of mankind. Most of the general public finds anything more acceptable which brings in more explanation for things going around us in our day to day life. CLS and its technique reveal an attempt to bring equality and more thinking into law. Trashing, genealogy, dereification etc. are all well convincing methods of looking into things surrounding our day to day life to find the right reason and hence bring equality in to law. However, it needs to be mentioned as well that too much critical thinking in to anything may not bring the right or convincing result. Therefore, a balance between critical thinking and a liberal approach is a must for a better philosophy. Words Counted:2061

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cuban Missile Crisis :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On August 6, 1945, the world changed forever. The United States had sent a B-29 bomber plane named â€Å"Enola Gay† to fly over the industrial city of Hiroshima, Japan and drop the first atomic bomb ever – â€Å"Little Boy† . The world had never experienced anything like it. One hundred thousand died almost instantly -- most of them were civilians. Three days later, in Nagasaki, another bomb -- â€Å"Fat Man† – was dropped. This time roughly forty thousand died. The people of the world were glad to see that the bombs ended most destructive war ever, but over the course of the forty years the world feared a nuclear battle that could wipe out all humankind off of the face of the Earth. The images that were coming from the aftermath of the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki affected almost every person in the world in all aspects. The image of the mushroom-shaped cloud and the desolate city would remain in every person’s mind as an image of destruction and as a warning of the danger of a nuclear war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Manhattan Project was the code name for an effort to create an atomic bomb during World War II. It was named for the Manhattan Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers because most of the early research was done in New York City . Refugee physicists sparked the project soon after German scientists had discovered nuclear fission in 1938. Many American scientists feared that Hitler and the Germans would produce a nuclear bomb; consequently, they contacted Albert Einstein to write a letter to United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to help the production of the first nuclear bomb. Roosevelt agreed to assist the scientists and they began the Manhattan Project. The development took place at laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, located on an isolated mesa. The project was to be kept classified under all circumstances. The scientists working at the plant could not even tell their wives about their work, unless they worked there themselves. All the mail in the town was censored; everybody was restricted to a two hundred mile radius and residents were forbidden to tell their friends where they lived. No one in the community had a name; rather everyone was either a â€Å"sir† or â€Å"mister†. The most serious threat to the security of the project was the hiring of Klaus Fuchs who was found guilty of obtaining top-secret documents and sending them to the Soviet Union.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Business Communication at Sainsburys and Cadburys Essay -- Business M

Business Communication at Sainsbury's and Cadburys Communication There are several different types of communication in a business such as Sainsbury's and Cadburys. INTERNAL Telephone ? When the business is a big building or is a group of small way which are close or far away when telling another group of colleges something important e.g. Telling them that their supplies have arrived. It is the main way of communicating around the business. Telephones are appropriate when you need to talk to someone when it is quicker to ring them rather than going all the way over to the person. Face to face communication ? This is when two of more colleges talk to each other face to face. This could be general slacking or telling them useful information. It is the quickest way of communicating. But if the receiver doesn?t write the message down they will forget the message and it may be important to the functioning of the business. Face to face is appropriate when you need to tell someone a message quickly and they are next to you or if they are in the same area as them. Meetings ? Sometimes it is important that everyone meets face to face to discuss business issues. Usually, an assistant writes down what was discussed and agreed. These are called the minutes and everyone gets a copy. One problem of a meeting is that they take time and have to be planned in advance to make sure that everyone can be there. Intranet - The advantages of Ict upon communica...

David The Great :: essays research papers

Creative Writing: A Hero Adventure David the great was a true hero, I will now tell you why, he went through all of the events that heroes go through such as a departure, initiation and return. He also was a national figure, he led the Romans to victory in war and was well known by all, and was also forced to leave his family in time of need knowing he may never return to see them. So here is the story of David the great. It all started when the Cyclops was released onto the earth from his underground cell and started to torment the world and was destroying city after city until David the great and his loyal army were called upon to stop him. But he was reluctant to leave, for he had just been married to his wife and were expecting a child, and knew he may never see his family ever again. But David knew he should go, for so many lives were at stack not only his own, the people of Rome were also at risk, the giant Cyclops was running wild through the city destroying anyone and anything in his path. So David left for Rome for he knew it was his mission to go and battle the Cyclops with his great army and save the Romans from certain doom. So he left with his army after the tough good bye for Rome. On his way to Rome, David stopped at the temple of Wisdom ,who was the god of knowledge, and asked him how to kill the Cyclops. Wisdom told David that the only way to k ill the Cyclops was to stab him in the eye so he could not see. So David left for Rome and when he and his army got to Rome they saw the destruction that the Cyclops had unleashed onto the city, the buildings were all torn down in heaps of rubble and fires had started in some parts of the city. So David and his army wasted no time and went for the Cyclops, but the Cyclops just picked up the men and ate them like they were little action figures. And then David was the only one left and he and the Cyclops froze for a second when there eyes met, so in all of his rage, the Cyclops picked up a vendor’s cart and hurled it like it was a small rock.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Claire Danes Essay

To what extent do you agree with this point? I think Luhrmann’s film version of Romeo & Juliet brings Act 1 Scene 5 to life exceptionally well. His choice of setting, type of music, designs of costumes, and other film directions and language use portray the original Shakespeare version marvellously. Firstly, the scene and setting. Baz Luhrmann has chosen a brilliant location to house the party. The royal look to the Capulet mansion really shows off what life would have been for the people back in the day, especially people as rich and alike in dignity as the Capulets. It is an enormous house, suggesting that life back then for the rich was very grand, and I believe Luhrmann brings this out brilliantly. There is also a very lively, upbeat atmosphere, stating that back in the olden days, people would like to loosen up and enjoy such divine occasions, with a lot going on. The fireworks, with an array of varying colours, being set off outside of the house also states the lively, celebratory, and happy atmosphere inside, in spite of Tybalt and Romeo being in the same house. The chirpy singing by Mercutio also vindicates my point. Secondly, Baz Luhrmann’s use of music is very intricately chosen. At the very start of the party, we can clearly see Mercutio very lively and upbeat, dancing and singing along to a very apt, upbeat song, showing off the party atmosphere amongst everyone in the mansion. As we get further in into the play, we get a very slow, engaging piece of music played when Romeo and Juliet first meet (through a fish tank! ), whilst Luhrmann has decided to drain out the party atmosphere noises in the background. This slow, indulging, romantic music symbolises the first encounter of Romeo and Juliet. Luhrmann has effectively chosen this music, and this really brings out the romantic, love-at-first-sight feel to it all, and it makes us, the audience, engage into the film, and maybe even allows us to relate it to ourselves, as if we were there, within the action. The music seemed to be a bit ‘Heavenly’, where everything would be perfect between Romeo and Juliet, and it felt like love was in the air. Then, when the Nurse pulls Juliet away, the party atmosphere with people talking immediately comes back, making the audience divert the attention back onto the wider picture, but, more subtly, it makes us, as the very eager audience, want to know more about how Romeo and Juliet will pan out from there. At times, there is the slow, depressing music, when Juliet would look back at Romeo whilst being dragged away by the Nurse, and Romeo would hurry up to catch up with Juliet. On a more general note, we can all feel the anger then Tybalt finds out that Romeo is a Montague, with the more thunderous, down-to-Earth, music being played. Thirdly, another key aspect Luhrmann used to make this film so brilliant in my opinion is his choice of clothing. We can clearly get a feel of how grand the Capulets were. Lady Capulet wore a gold dress, showing how high in status she was. Capulet, likewise being so high in status, wore a plush purple robe at the formal event, showing that they were very rich and liked to flaunt what they had. Interestingly, Paris seemed to be wearing some sort of astronaut, spaceship costume. This might suggest that he was pretty smart, rich, high in status too, and quite proud of himself, as stereotypically, I see astronauts like that, as it is a very grand, albeit difficult, job to take on, and so Paris might have thought very fondly about himself. The wings on Juliet’s back might also suggest to us viewers that Juliet was the ‘angelic’, good-girl type of character, who would want everything to be right for herself. Romeo’s knight suit also caught my attention. Again stereotypically, I associate knights in shining armour as the sort of people who would always come to the rescue and save the day, and would woo people away.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Literature and Culture Essay

I. literary utilizations General Introduction literary works is my Utopia. present I am non disenfranchised. No barrier of the senses shuts me out from the sweet, gracious discourses of my discussion frigoals. They chide to me without embarrassment or grace littleness (Helen Keller) Keller could non brace been to a great extent mystify up in this insight virtu exclusivelyy chimees-lettres, and hardly would any whiz who has had a life clip with the pen buttockschat raise any issue or so its fault slightness. homo with his complex, often unfathomcap equal to(p) and atypical archetypes, tintings and actions, and cosmosy convictions restrained by societal norms from plainspokenly exposing what he has wrong him, con lieurs literary productions as a soci fair nowy acceptable fomite for unrestrained self- establishion. literary productions is life. It is a mirror of mans desires and aspirations, his ambitions and accomplishments, his f spikes and anxiety, his joyful and fulfilling moments. Through it, he records his experiences of triumphs and d avouch declivitys, laugh and anguish, de depotination and indecisionfrom things phenomenal to motions mundane.It is however with publications that the tender- flavoured take heed is able to successfully transcend all material barriers to reveal its essence which constitutes the isness of mans being. publications, therefore, is the totality of humanity. The famous French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre succinctly said it all in the sideline line If lit is non boththing, its non worth a item-by-item hour of roughly wizards trouble (http//www. wizardryy citation. com/quotes/key sacred scripture/literature. html). What is literature? ? So all-inclusive and deep is the extent and scope of literature that putt up a interpretation for it is al nigh like limiting its parameters.However, for schoolman purposes, it exit be relevant to apologize what the concept encompasses. ? On a oecumenic perspective, anything that is written is classified advertisement as literature. ? On a stricter sense, however, and across finishs and ages, literature is associated with a rime, or a prevarication article, or a horizontal surface butterfly, a mass or a classroom lesson. ? Literature, as the body of written works of a manner of speaking, period or culture, and produced by scholars and researchers, re straitss us of stories, epics, sacred scriptures and classical works of the antediluvian patriarch and modern-day cartridge holders.Literary works atomic telephone number 18 portrayals of the thinking patterns and social norms prevalent in society. Classical literary works servicing as a food for thought, conceit and creativity. ? A literary article should interest, entertain, stimulate, protract the imagination and experience, or ennoble the proof ref (Roberts 2). It springs as an idea from the need of its manufacturer to bring out across a thought or fe eling. The ascendent starts from an experience or set of experiences, real or imagined, which he thinks he necessitate to sh ar with his public. working(a) on his creative tablet, he recreates the facts to forge true-to-life happenings, or invents incidents, places, and reference books and puts thoughts into the latters minds and expressions in their mouths. Or he whitethorn decide to compress an differently uttermostsighted factual or imagined paper in a a couple of(prenominal) metered or rhythmical lines. The result is an original school schoolbook that satisfies its creators purpose a literary article, an inventive literature. ? Kirszner & opusdell explain that the watch newsworthiness literature immediately stirs in the mind the concept of fantastic literature (1). originative Literature is one which temporarily transports the proof claimer to a different world, amodal value from the carnal and unrestrained realities of his existence, w present he could be take over to view the world with his induce eyeball and heart. visionary literature is not curb to print. A substantial number of viva voce transmitted imaginative literatures fork over set the customs in their respective literary musical music genres and learn re primary(prenominal)ed among the nearly respectable pieces in the literatures of the world. Why should we set literature? Literature that is imaginative sight have far-r all(prenominal)ing effects on the reader (Kirzner & Mandell 2-3).?The characters, scenes, scenes, effectual dustup, and c arfully and masterfully genuine secret plan female genitals delight the reader and offer him an ephemeral escape from the stiffness, boredom, nonetheless out cruelty of the world nigh him. ? It dirty dog transport the reader out of the limits of his time and lieu, and get him into seeing an separate doable phase of life. Meaningful insights wad be draw from wholesome literary school textbooks. ? It wad bring h im to a level where he is able to see his life oft quarryively, up close and ain.This is beca social function literature reveals truths nigh humanity. More than a mere verbal description of masses and what they do, literature brings the reader to a slice of virtual life in which he (the reader) consciously experiences his humanity. This is an added value of literature. ? It is an alley for him to view and to a lower place hold out his own experiences and those of early(a)wises. Reflecting stack make him much sensitive to the needs of otherwises and his own. Literature, then, substructure military service as a value guide as headspring as a poke out to an depth psychology of values and importations close the realities in life.? Imaginative literature is founded on factshi stage, pure science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, mathematics, and other branches of issueledge. The in pathation load it carries grass be other added value to the reader. Similarly, li terature that is imaginative has pronounced values for the writer (Krizner & Mandell 3). ? It is a creative avenue for self-expression. A writer back unravel the ill-effects of ethnic patterns and norms, and can suggest ways to remedy a stinking outline finished the characters of his in brief write up, novel, or play, or the persona in rime.Also, he reveals his individuality and uniqueness as a writer in the way he manipulates the elements of his genrecharacter, consideration, language, format, and style. ? It is an expression of joint cultural values. A writer has his own mind more or less a puzzle or issue, only if that thought is shaped by the collective sentiment, aspiration, philosophy, value, even fears of the union or cultural group he belongs to. Literature provides opportunities for the transport of these ethnic or cultural thoughts, feelings, and biases to peoples across cultural moulds.It is in this way that literature can stand as the conscience and consci ousness of the musical compositionnership which created it. Literary literary genres and Culture Traditions in literature include baring works into literary types or genres. Genre compartmentalisation can have several advantages (web. nchu. edu. tw/chtung/1986. doc. 2-6). ? It can bring about an order or a system in the handling of literary texts and, in effect, facilitates choice of materials akin to ones interests, which can result in greater understanding and appreciation.For example, a reader who has an ear for musicality and rhythm will survival up a poetic text much likely than he would a book of illustration. ? It has resulted in the writing of standards for each(prenominal) genre. With the aid of these writing standards, literary creators atomic number 18 able to craft their works more systematically. Thoughtfully dismission over the standards for a manoeuvre will aptly leg a novice writer to condense on what the earreach will attend for in a play. Con measur ely, a connoisseur who is familiar with genre standards will know on the nose what to look for in a literary work.?The existence of genre classification is one avenue that can lead to the meeting of minds between the reader and the writer. When the brain has identified beforehand what it is looking for in a text (schemata-text matching through knowledge of specific genre), comprehension of the text will be less stressful, less threatening and more enjoyable. Culture-based Literary Traditions 1. Genre Classifications. The presence of tralatitious and universally recognised genres does not dictate the uniformity of genre classifications and the standards for each genre.Not all genre classifications atomic number 18 present in all places, and not all places observe the homogeneous standards for each classification. Every culture has its own genre, owing to the variations in the experiences and aspirations of the people in each culture. For example ? The sonnet which is prevalent in horse opera traditions is not come up known in China or among the Arab nations ( Kirszner & Mandell 2). ?The kabuki play of Japan has as yet no counterpart in western countries (Kirszner & Mandell 2). ? We still have to see a counterpart of the Filipino pasyon in other literary traditions.2. annals organization conventions. The standards on the presentation of events in a diagram can vary from culture to culture specifically with orally transmitted literature (Kirszner & Mandell 2). For example ? both(prenominal) native American and African stories dating to the early stage of cultural begining atomic number 18 ordered spatially, not chronologically as is the tradition in al some all cultures. all incidents that took place in one setting argon narrated, then the narration moves to taper on all the incidents in another setting, and so on until all the events ar completely retold.Even character evolution is not reachn as much focus in some traditionalistic African a nd Native American stories as it is in present-day fiction (Kirszner & Mandell 3). 3. causa development. Present-day fiction puts much furiousness on the identity and the development of character. This is not so in some traditional African and Native American stories. Kirszner & Mandell order that in some of these records, characters ar sometimes not aroused and can even slip roles towards the end of the story (3). Genre Classifications and cadenceEarlier literary works were group more generally than those in the present. modern-day literature is lumped into four big groupsprose fiction, poe purify, nonfictional prose prose, and drama (Roberts 3) magical spell primarily traditions know three groups fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The drama in its traditional form subprogramd verse, which explains why it was categorised as poetry. Although not markedly divergent from the present literary groupings, the old genre classification radiates those which societies then co nsidered to be what mattered most. The Genres of LiteratureCritics could not seem to agree on one topper way literary writings should be grouped however, most authorities name four categories for classifying literature (Roberts 3). 1. Narrative fiction or prose fiction. This is the literary type which early comes to mind when the word fiction is mentioned. Narration, or retelling past events, is what makes fiction what it is. ? Narrative fiction gives an accounting of a series of events, factual or imagined however mostly imagined.? champion character, the lifter, or a few characters is/are at the focalise of theseevents, causation them to happen and or causing him to be transformed. ? He is confronted with a task, the resoluteness power of which is his primary concern, and the action he takes towards its resoluteness is the reason for his transformation. He may or may not outgo the riddle. ?Some events in fictional news reports are drawn from historical incidents enti rely fictionalized through switch over of names, places, and time, and a slight tweak in the plot. ? Through narrative fiction, the author is able to express his thoughts about a problem or issue, and/or is able to entertain.Classifications of Narrative Fiction a. Myth. This prose fiction, which punctuates the literary beginnings of practically every cultural group, is a story revolve about on how the gods related to humanshow authoritative places, beings, and places came to be, how the gods biases made some peoples lives fulfilling and rendered others lives miserable, how conflicts among the mortals affected the gods or vice versa. Myths can also be about struggles among cultural heroes, each one representing the time- constituted beliefs of a particular(prenominal) cultural group. b. Parable.This is a fiddling narrative about some mean(a) experiences of a group of people and is meant to connect to the program line of a certain moral, or the throbbing foundation of a philo sophical, social, religious, or political teaching. The Jewish tradition best exemplifies the use of parables. c. Romance. This refers to lengthy Spanish and French stories of the sixteenth and 17th centuries, especially about the adventures and ordeals of the royal house and the members of their court. It can also refer to modern formulaic stories describing the growth of an impulsive, cardinal and powerful make love relationship.d. Short story. Owing to its relative brevity, this is the most hot type of narrative fiction. The plot may revolve around one or devil main characters facing a difficulty. There are high as easily as low points in their lives but, almost always, each ones life will not go back to exactly the like point where it began. Be causal agent of the little space dictated by the stainlesslyened form of the text, interactions and relationships resulting in changes in character, no matter how subtle, are give awayd briefly. e. Novel. This is a condensed story in extended form. continuance being its advantage over the short story, the novel permits the full and sometimes unadulterated development of the interactions that lead to changes in some characters disposition, thoughts, feelings, or aspirations (Roberts 5). 2. Poetry. A rime is a literary form that expresses a monologue or a conversation grounded on the most deeply mat up experiences of human beings (Kirszner & Mandell 522). ? It is acclaimed as the oldest and the most popular among the literary forms. ? It is the most variable in length, outpouring from a few syllables, as in the Japanese haiku, to hundreds of stanzas, as in the epic.?The language is compressed in a few lines or verses place in contour with the principles of form, rhythm, and sometimes meter and rhyme. ? It has a closely- restore imagery and suggestive forms of expression, making it the most puzzling and, therefore, the most open to multiplex interpretations. These qualities make poetry unique (R oberts 5). ? Among earlier cultures, for example, Hellenic and Roman, poetry served as a fomite for the expression of the spiritual and the philosophical. With the acquittance of time, poetry has gained an added valuethat of expressing the most profound ideas and the deepest emotions of humanity.Across the cultures of the present, poetry remains to inspire, to delight, and to serve as a vehicle for the concerns of the heart (Kirszner & Mandell 522). Classifications of Poetry f. Narrative poetry. This is a story in verse, of which there are two familiar forms i. Epic. Apparently the more familiar of the two, an epic is a narrative account in verse of the accomplishments of a larger-than-life figure, a folk hero who exhibits terrible physical powers and superhuman dispositions, of gods, and other wizard(prenominal) entities.The account covers a wide sphere of time and place, and reflects the cultural characteristics of the people who wrote it. Although some epics are credited to particular authors, others are ascribed to their countries or cultures of origin. This is because epics of old were handed cut back orally, in plain verse or in song, and, as a result, grew and veritable as they passed from one generation to the next, at long last mirroring the evolution of the peoples traditions and norms. Of world-wide renown are The Iliad of Homer, The Aeneid of Virgil, Beowulf of the Anglo-Saxons, and Mahabharata of the Hindus.ii. Ballad. corresponding the epic, the ballad traces its origin to oral tradition. Originally intend to be sung, this narrative rime carries one outstanding characteristicits use of repeating of oral communication and phrases, including a refrain. g. Lyric Poetry. This numbers does not attempt to tell a story. Possessing a very personal and prejudiced nature, it conveys the verbalizers feelings, biases and aspirations, state of mind, and perceptions in a melodious mode. Lyric poetry sub-types include the future(a) (Kirzsner & Mandell 525-526) iii. Ode.This is a long lyric poetry which is, generally, on a serious subdue, such as an historic concept (for example, license), person, or any other entity in nature (for example, the sun) and with a orchis poetic diction and meditative mood. The meter centers on the speakers observations about the stem and usually winds up with an exertion towards shedding light on an emotional problem. Owing to its Greek origin, it is often mean to be recited or sung by two choruses. iv. Elegy. This lyric sub-type is meant to mourn the cursory of a specific person.As such, it is characterized by a melancholy and plaintive mood and an ending that offers consolation. It may also reflect what the author considers to be mysterious, uncertain, or strange. v. Pastoral. In contrast to the elegy, the pastoral has a light, happy, even romantic mood as it celebrates the simple mindedness and idyll of country life. vi. Occasional poem. This poem is meant for a particular ev ent, for example, a wedding, the founding of a prominent church leader, the putting up of a landmark, or a presidents inaugural. vii.Poems on unremarkable activities. Poems are sometimes written to express the writers feelings or describe his experiences about day-to-day events, for example, going about the daily chores, herding the animals back to their corral, or move the trolley. viii. Aubade. This poetic form is specifically written to celebrate or lament the orgasm of a new day, specifically the arrival of good morning. Dawn is often welcomed with joy and hope, but it can also bring desperation to a persona who sees it as a signal to leave his lover. ix. Meditation.An ordinary object can be employ as a vehicle to consider important, more serious issues. A poem that is centre on this is called meditation. Kriszner and Mandell cite Edmund Wallers Go, good-natured Rose as an example (526) in which the speaker tells the rose meant to be delivered to his doll love his mess age for the peeress. Far more important than his dustup of adoration is his advice for the lady not to waste the charm and time bestowed upon her since time flies and beauty fades in no time. x. Dramatic monologue. In this poem, the speaker addresses one or more listeners who is/are absent.In the process, the speaker unravels the dramatic saying of the situation and reveals his psychological and emotional side of the issue at hand, which is usually less interesting than how he (the speaker) treats it. Some authors use the term dramatic lyric. xi. Some authors classify the epigram, a verse in two to four lines with characteristic wit and sarcasm, under lyric poetry Cited as a classic example is Alexander popes On the Collar of a Dog (voices. yahoo. com) which runs in two lines. In most cases, however, an epigram is not a stand-alone piece but forms part of a longer poetic composition. xii. otherwise cultures have their own types of lyric poems, e. g. , ghazal in Urdu, and rondeau in French. h. Satirical Poetry. As far back as the old age of the Roman empire, poetry was already used as a powerful vehicle for political purposes. This tradition continues to these days. Many who are disgruntled with any system or structure choose to amplify their rancor and discontent artistically through guardedly crafted satirical poems. Poetry can have several forms. i. Sonnet. It comes in 14 lines arranged in three quatrains and a duad Shakespearean or English or an octave and a sestet Petrarchan or Italian.The iambic pentameter is generally used in sonnets. ii. Cinquian. It has five short lines with the interest pattern line 1 one word or 2 syllables line 2 2 language or 4 syllables 3 talking to or 6 syllables 4 words or 8 syllables 1 word or 2 syllables. iii. Haiku. This is a verse of Japanese origin consisting of three rhymeless lines of 5 7 5 morae (quantity of time equivalent to a short syllable). A traditional haiku carries a word pertaining to the seasons a nd a cutting word, called kireji, used at the end of one of the three lines.Incidentally, there is no English equivalent of the cutting word concept (www. poemofquotes. com/haiku). iv. Tanka. Like the haiku, tanka is a Japanese verse but consists of five lines. The premiere and third lines carry five syllables each while the rest of the lines have 7 syllables each. v. Concrete poem. This poem uses typographythe bearing of the printed textto enhance its message. Thus, visual elements such as punctuation marks, symbols, and arrangement of words on the printed page, or the shape of the poem, are elemental in driving base of operations the writers message.A poem about the magical sounds of a bell is shaped like a flower, while one that has nature as subject may take the shape of a tree or a bird. optical poems, pattern poems, and size poems are examples of concrete poems (www. poemsofquotes. com/articles/concrete-poetry. php). vi. Blank verse. This type of verse uses rimeless iambi c pentameter. vii. Free verse. Unlike the unclouded verse, this type of verse may be rhymed or unrhymed but does not observe a fixed meter. 3. Drama.This literary genre is meant to be presented on stage. Actors portray the events in the story as though these were happening in thepresent. Like narrative fiction, there is a problem around which all action revolves. At the center maybe a single character or a weensy number of characters who carry the burden of resolving the conflict and on whose actions and thoughts the attention of the audience is largely focused.The protagonist may overcome the problem or may be overcome by it. Unlike in a narrative fiction, the audience in a drama are able to actually witness the fictional events as they happen, making the experience direct and side by side(predicate) to life than in narrative fiction. i. Tragedy. oftentimes associated with the bizarre and the disastrous, and in keeping with Greek tradition, this type of drama is focused on treat ing serious subjects and involving persons of significance (Kirszner & Mandell 917, citing Aristotles Poetics). ? At the center of the drama is a character, the protagonist, who is noble, respected, perfect from almost all angles, except for one flaw which is not obvious at the start but which will ulterior manifest to a very essential point that will suffice to cause his down revert. ? A very important lesson is conveyed heremans condition in life is one ofnobility. ?The purpose of the play is to bring the audience to an experience of sympathize with for the profound character as he wrestles with the trials in his life and with experiences of fear of going through the same situation. ? The audience is judge to leave the theater with the resolution to not follow the tragic path which the central character of the play took. j. Comedy. This type of drama sits on the other end of the spectrum. It is intentional to treat themes and characters with humor and typically has a happy en ding (Kirszner & Mandell 917).? The main character is an ordinary individual whose life is open to the public, and whom the public knows to be carrying a robe of his true self all along. ? The japery is meant to take away that mask from the protagonist and to reveal to the audience his simplicity and foolishness, his insufficiency of understanding of things, his being selfish, hypocritical, vain, weak, irrational, and capability for self-delusion (Kirszner & Mandell 917). ? Ironically, it is the waggery that brings entertainment and laughter to the audience who, unknowingly, is the subject of criticism of the action in theplay. k.Farce. This is a humorous play. But unlike the comedy, the plot does not depend on the development of a character but on a situation that is exploited ingeniously. The term can speak for itself. 4. Nonfiction Prose. whatsoever literary form not move under any of the categories just mentioned is classified as nonfiction prose. This group consists of a wide array of fact-based and fact-oriented written materials presenting judgments and opinions and which are created mainly as sources of information.News reports, mark articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, and biographic and historical works fall under this category. Recently, there has been a marked increase in the interest for biographical and historical works, a good number of which have become bestsellers. Many schools have shifted to biographical and historical novels for required assimilator readings. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. The statements that follow are back up by the foregoing discussions except one. come up that sentence. l. Literature is a potent vehicle to convey a personal longing. m.The most extreme of human experiences are the only ones considered as worthy literary materials. n. Mans freedom of self-expression can be best exemplified by the almost unconditioned breadth of possibilities in literature. o. Reading a literary text is experiencing the writers unspoke n regret or praise. 2. decide the sentence which is not supported by the foregoing discussions. a. Defining literature is not always necessary. b. Imaginative literature can be a rich source of lessons about living life. c. A well written literary text can cause a change in a persons disposition.d. scripted literature has always been the better tradition. 3. Which of the following statements best paraphrases the opening quote? a. Literature is the source of Helen Kellers highest point of contentment. b. Keller and her friends read literature a lot and sustain much meaning from it. c. Being dodge and deaf, Keller finds literature reading as the best pastime. d. Kellers friends love to hear her theatrical role with them what she has read and what she thinks about them.4. Imaginative literature differs from other literary forms in the following ways except one. e.Imaginative literature builds on a writers personal experience and shares it factually with the reader. f. Mundane and odd human experiences are vividly recreated and emphasize with some of the writers imaginative thoughts. g. Imaginative literature is everything that transports the reader to a different world, stimulates his creative mind, and appeals to his sense of values. h.Mans most profound thoughts and feelings are expressed in symbols and images. 5. Which three (3) statements are not supported by the discussions on the value of literature? i. Every literary text has its own place in the arena of values.j.Longer texts, such as the novel and the drama, have a more profound reader-impact than shorter ones, such as proverbs and haikus. k. One of the added values of literature is that it requires interpretation and abstract of meaning. l. Literature has to be historical for it to be prized. m. A song expressing a prisoners longing for immediate freedom is an ethnicity-inspired literary piece. 6. C. S. Lewis is quoted to have said Literature enriches the necessary competencies that daily life re quires and provides and in this respect, it irrigates the desert that our lives have already become. This quote supports the idea that n. Basically, literature is based on world knowledge. o. Literature brings entertainment to its audience. p. on tap(predicate) in every literary text are several insights about substantive living. q. Literature enables the reader to grasp the meaning of his experiences and those of the people around him. 7. Which of the following statements is not true about poetry? r. It dates back to the earliest years of mans literary experience. s. It is strictly metered, rhymed, and rhythmical. t.It can start out the most profound and the most ordinary human experience in a few words. u. The poets message is mantled in rich symbols and other forms of resonant expressions. 8. Although sometimes classified as poetry, hook is proprietarily a type of narrative fiction _____ v. owing to its length. w. because it is basically intended to give an account of past i ncidents in story format. x. since it is situated at a defined past time and space. y. because it is about adventure. 9. The following is an English translation of a Bilaan poem attributed to pre-colonial times.Bilaan is a tribal group of gray Mindanao, which is the second biggest island in the Philippines and is situated in the southernmost part of the archipelago. The early people were renowned hunters and food gatherers (blog. travelpod. com/travel-blog-entries/aliawan/1/1262268183/tpod. html). The language of the people is also called Bilaan. ) Read the poem carefully to be able to assist the question below. LAMGE What can we do? Oh, what can we do? This is our work, this we should do. Oh my, how, oh how is this to go on? Continue, then come back when you reach the top. Tis not there Tis not here they said. Well try till we can make it. Its not here, according to them, but fall apartt relax Dont be surprised. Theyre still far. allows hurry (Lumbera & Lumbera 11) What sub-ty pe of poetry is Lamge? a. a poem on everyday activities. b. perfunctory poem. c. pastoral d. meditation 10. Which of the following work values were prized by the early Bilaans as evidenced by the poem LAMGE? z. creativity and leisure . individual recognition and prestige . collaboration and achievement . autonomy and payment 11. Study the following move outs then key out that which is not taken from imaginative literature.. EDSA (the name of the highway in Metro manilla that runs north to south from Caloocan to Baclaran) has become the popular designation of the revolt which began as a military mutiny on February 21 1986 and developed into a popular insurrection in Manila that culminated in the escape cock of the dictator and his family to Hawaii, U. S. A. on February 24, 1986. The revolt established the presidency of Corazon Aquino which was marked by the issue of pre-Martial Law society (Lumbera & Lumbera 364). . It was raining the morning of the execution. I remember how b rackish and tearing was the sky.God has sliced open the sun, spilling its innards, mould out its heart. That sun had never seemed the same to me ever since. The cold air scraped the insides of my lungs and chilled my nape. It was the premier(prenominal) dawn I had awakened to. The first time to witness the botherationed risky birthing of light (Lumbera & Lumbera 377). . And so we talk/ our words trying to capture/pain caroming/like the balls of ivory/ Our voices rise/and fall/ as we sit in a circle/ racing our other lives/ the beginnings/ of love/ rich and red/ as the felt on the board (Lumbera & Lumbera 422).Matumal ang pasada nang buong umagang iyon at naipasiya kong igarahe muna sa bahay and minamanehong taksi kesa magsayang ng gasolina. Pababa na ako nang sa paglingon koy nasulyapan ko ang clutch base of operations na iyon sa may paanan ng likurang-upuan. Kinabahan ako at patawarin ako ng mga anak kong piquance kong lumaking matitino, lumabo sabi nga ang tingin ko sa tama t mali, sa masamat mabuti. Paano kung limpak-limpak na pera ang laman ng clutch bag?Kung bara-barang ginto o alahas kaya? Isosoli ko pa ba? Managot kaya ako kung saka-sakali? (Lumbera & Lumbera 422). (The trips were far between the whole morning and I decided totemporarily drive home the cab rather than keep going through the streets and waste gas.I was about to get down when in a inspect I noticed that clutch bag at the foot of the backseat. I began to feel restless and my children whom I wanted to grow responsible may they forgive me, my sense of beneficial and wrong, good and bad, blurred. What if the clutch bag contained loads of money? What if it had bars of gold, or jewelry? impart I return it? Will I answer for my action just in case? ) 12. Choose the excerpt that is taken from imaginative literature. . Home making is really throttle making it is about deciding who is in as well as who is out.I began this project on Filipino Americans in San Diego at the put offthe U. S. -Mexico border. Since the mid-1970s, the militarization of the U. S. -Mexico border region has intensified. From San Diego to the Rio Grande Valley, build up U. S. federal agents patrol key border points to block illegal crossersto keep them from invasive our homes. Since 1994, Operation Gatekeeper, a high-profile blockade-style operation, has turned the San Diego-Tijuana border region into a war zone, get-up-and-go immigrants to attempt more treacherous crossings in the forbidding mountains and deserts east of San Diego (Espiritu 205-206).In the annals of human adversity, there is etched a crabmeat, of a breed so malignant that the least contact exacerbates it and stirs in it the sharpest of pains. And thus, many times amidst modern cultures I have wanted to evoke you, sometimes for memories of you to keep me company, other times, to compare you with other nationsmany times your beloved image appears to me afflicted with a social cancer of similar malignancy (Rizal, Dedicat ion of Noli Me Tangere).